Apple Snails - tropical and sub-tropical freshwater snails. Very interesting site for all freshwater aquarists. Also
has a nice discussion board.
The Skeptical Aquarist - Amateur freshwater fishkeepers who are also interested in maintaining and spawning freshwater
tropical fish and in approximating their natural surroundings
The Krib - Aquaria and Tropical Fish. Aquarist information and articles
FINS - Fish INformation Service. General salt-/freshwater aquarist page. Nice index of species, plus articles, gallery
and more
Pla Kat Thai - Siamese cyber Aquarium Ltd; PART. Siamese Fighting Fish Page
IBC - International Betta Congress. The IBC is a non-profit, world-wide organization promoting the selective breeding,
raising and study of the Genus Betta.
Norsk Akvarieforbund - et landsforbund drevet av landets organiserte akvarieklubber.